Branches and representative offices "National Association of Disabled Persons of Tajikistan"
№  Cities and districts Name of the organization Name and surname of the leader contact
sh. Dushanbe
1 sh. Dushanbe Disabled people’s society Dushanbe “Opportunity” Hamroev Firuz (+992) 988-52-10-10
Subordinate districts of the center
2 n. Varzob Branch office of the Institute of International Trade and Industry in n. Varzob Jonmahmadov Jamshed (+992) 888-88-38-05
3 n. Rudaki Branch office of the Institute of International Trade and Industry in n. Shahrinav Grandfather Abdurasul (+992) 985-77-78-75 (+992) 917-26-62-11
4 n. Stomach Disabled people’s society “Movement” section Haydarov Iqbal (+992) 900001491
5 Sh. Hisar Branch office of the Institute of International Trade and Industry in sh. Hisar Sulaymonov Sayali (+992) 207-96-69-69
6 n. Faizabad Branch office of the Institute of International Trade and Industry in n. Faizabad Safalov Hadyatullah (+992) 93-107-21-57
7 Sh. Tursunzoda Branch office of the Institute of International Trade and Industry in sh. Tursunzoda Muradov Zakir (+992)93-760-40-31
8 Sh. Lakhsh Branch office of the Institute of International Trade and Industry in n. Lakhsh Akhmedov Havloek (+992) 550-550-998
9 n. Rasht The branch of the Institute of International Trade and Industry in n. Rasht Zamonov Amrullo 989-04-34-08
10 Vahdat sh Branch office of the Institute of International Trade and Industry in sh. Unity Saidov Safarbek (+992) 900 88 77 24
11 n. Sangvor Branch office of the Institute of International Trade and Industry in n. Stone Gafurov Halim (+992) 77 708 33 10
12 n. Nurabad IMMT branch in n. Nurabad Rahmatulloev Azalsho (+992) 988-47-22-76
13 sh. Rogun Branch office of the Institute of International Trade and Industry in sh. Rogun Anora Mushkieva (+992) 93-935-0505
Khatlon province
14 sh. Bakhtar Branch office of the Institute of International Trade and Industry in sh. Bakhtar Babajonov Abdusamad (+992) 919-54-23-54  
15 n. A. Cup Branch office of the Institute of International Trade and Industry in n. A. Jami Umarjon Gadoev (+992) 902-10-52-54
16 sh. Kulob Branch office of the Institute of International Trade and Industry in sh. Kulob Begmatov Abdusattar (+992) 985-07-91-43 (+992) 935-079143
17 n. Yavan Branch office of the Institute of International Trade and Industry in n. Javanese Zahirov Mahmasharif (+992) 93-450-72-61
18 n. N. Khusrav Branch office of the Institute of International Trade and Industry in n. N. Khosrow Husaynov Nurmahmad (+992) 918-57-85-17
19 n. Wild Branch office of the Institute of International Trade and Industry in n. Wild Loikov Nur (+992) 93-843-05-49  
20 n. Shahrituz Branch office of the Institute of International Trade and Industry in n. Shahrituz Ashmuradov Alisher (+992) 93-583-01-22
21 n. Qubadians Branch office of the Institute of International Trade and Industry in n. Kubadiyan Karimov Ashurmat (+992) 903-66-45-48
22 n. Jayhun Branch office of the Institute of International Trade and Industry in n. Jaihun Majidov Mukim (+992) 93-587-61-36
23 J. Balkhi Branch office of the Institute of International Trade and Industry in n. J. Balkhi Khisainov Khuja (+992) 987-97-44-55
24 n. Khorasan Branch office of the Institute of International Trade and Industry in n. Khorasan Abdulloev Hikmatullo (+992) 915-10-33-00
25 n. Baljuvan Branch office of the Institute of International Trade and Industry in n. Baljuvan Pustov Ahliddin (+992)
26 n. All knowledge “Ravanbakhsh” society of the disabled. All knowledge Muradov Zainullo (+992) 918-68-42-13
27 n. Dangara The branch of the Institute of International Trade and Industry in n. Dangara Manija Said Murad (+992) 907-56-81-41
28 n. Temurmalik IMMT branch in n. Temurmalik Ismatullah Karimov (+992) 908-28-00-39 (+992) 985-53-76-59 (+992) 918-10-58-97
Sogd Province
29 sh. Khujand Society of the disabled c. Sogd and Sh. Khujand Ashurova Lola (+992) 928-85-19-53
30 n. Mastchoh Mountains The branch of the Institute of International Trade and Industry in n. Mastchoh Kuhi Dilshodzoda Faizullai (+992) 883 03 33 30 (+992) 937 223 546  
31 n. Drunk Mastchoh District Disabled Community Safarov Shogosim   (+992) 927-59-58-65
32 n. Devashtich The branch of the Institute of International Trade and Industry in n. Devashtich Zaripova Marhabo (+992) 91 767 83 40
33 n.b. Gafurov The branch of the Institute of International Trade and Industry in n. B. Gafurov Juraev Ramzuddin (+992) 907-45-95-57
34 n. Spitamen The branch of the Institute of International Trade and Industry in n. Spitamen Ubaidulloeva Mahbuba (+992) 927-31-42-42
35 sh. Isfara Disabled people’s society Isfara “My Life” Abdulloev Jamshed (+992) 988-99-47-06
36 sh. Istaravshan Disabled people’s society Istaravshan Turakhuzhaeva Muhaiyo (+992) 918-42-59-90
37 n. Asht Disabled people’s society Asht Ahmedov Hakimjon (+992) 928-30-69-65 (+992) 918-72-64-40
38 sh. Boston Disabled people’s society Boston Hakimov Zafar (+992) 907-42-13-15
39 sh. Gulistan Public organization of disabled people “Madad” Yusupova Comfort (+992) 927 25 98 46
40 n. Exactly Disabled people’s society Exactly Yuldoshtov Hisrav (+992) 988-08-89-98
Badakhshan Mountainous Autonomous Region
41 n. Bright Public organization “Ghamkhor” Mirzomamadova Chilla (+992) 93-500-79-84
42 sh. Horug Public organization “Sawab” Laila Nafasshoeva (+992) 935-13-12-13